Patent details
Method and apparatus of fabricating an interconnector assembly
Basic Information
- Publication number:
- EP3046151
- PCT Application Number:
- Type:
- European Patent Granted for LU
- Legal Status:
- Lapsed
- Application number:
- EP151515533
- PCT Publication Number:
- First applicant's nationality:
- Translation Language:
- EPO Publication Language:
- English
- English Title of Invention:
- Method and apparatus of fabricating an interconnector assembly
- French Title of Invention:
- Procédé et appareil de fabrication d'un ensemble d'interconnexion
- German Title of Invention:
- Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur Herstellung einer Zwischenverbinderanordnung
- SPC Number:
- Filing date:
- 16/01/2015
- Grant date:
- 03/04/2019
- EP Publication Date:
- 20/07/2016
- PCT Publication Date:
- Claims Translation Received Date:
- Translations Received Date (B1 EP Publication):
- Translations Received Date (B2 EP Publication):
- Translations Received Date (B3 EP Publication):
- Publication date:
- 03/04/2019
- EP B1 Publication Date:
- 03/04/2019
- EP B2 Publication Date:
- EP B3 Publication Date:
- Lapsed date:
- 16/01/2020
- Expiration date:
- 16/01/2035
- Renunciation date:
- Revocation date:
- Annulment date:
- From:
- 27/03/2019
- Name:
- Somont GmbH
- Address:
- Im Brunnenfeld 8, 79224 Umkirch, Germany (DE)
- Name:
- Blaszczack, Wlodzimierz
- Address:
- Germany (DE)
- Name:
- Ufheil, Joachim
- Address:
- Germany (DE)
- Name:
- Rambach, Daniel
- Address:
- Germany (DE)
- Name:
- Hoes, Thorsten
- Address:
- Germany (DE)
- IPC classification:
B32B 15/04;
H01L 31/18;
H05B 3/00;
H01L 31/05;
European Patent Bulletin
- Issue number:
- 201914
- Publication date:
- 03/04/2019
- Description:
- Grant (B1)
Annual Fees
- Annual Fee Due Date:
- Annual Fee Number:
- Expected Payer:
- Last Annual Fee Payment Date:
- Last Annual Fee Paid Number:
- Payer:
Filing date |
Document type |
Number of pages |