LU - Federated Register Service

1. LU Patent Register

General information about the LU patent register:

  • Coverage:

    · European patents

    · National patents

    · SPCs

  • Updating frequency: Daily
  • Availability of file inspection: Yes
  • URL to National patent register:
  • Availability of Deep linking to National Patent register from FRS: Yes


FRS data Data provided LU - Contents
1 Status Yes Legal status of EP patent could be one of the following:
• Patent surrendered: patent surrendered due to a request of grantee
• Patent revoked: patent revoked due to a request of grantee or due to an EBD event for the revocation of the European patent
• Patent lapsed: patent lapsed due to non-payment of an annual renewal fee
• Patent expired: patent expired after the end of “normal” lifetime
• Nullity requested: patent annulled due to a court decision or deleted due to an EBD event for the cancellation of publication of grant
2 Application No. Yes EP application number has 8 digits with “EP” prefix:
• Example : EP98108745
3 Publication No. Yes EP application number has 7 digits with “EP” prefix with leading 0s:
• Example : EP0886246
4 Proprietor Yes All current proprietors are listed.
5 Invalidation date Yes The invalidation date is the date when the decision on the invalidation was taken.
It can be the date of one of the following events:
• Patent revoked
• Patent lapsed
• Patent expired
• Patent surrendered
6 Not in force since Yes The ‘Not in force since’ date is the date on which the rights conferred by the EP patent are no longer considered to be in force.
The value of this date is:
• The lapse date (case lapsed)
• The expiration date (case expired)
• The renunciation date (case renounced)
• The filing date (case revoked or annulled)
7 Renewal fees last paid Yes Payment date of the last annual renewal fee
8 Register last updated Yes 'Register last updated' is the date of the last update of the concrete record in the national patent register; however, this update can happen both for business (e.g. the data of the record were really changed) or technical reasons.
9 SPC No Deep-linking to the LU national patent office's SPC database is provided.


Ministère de l’Économie
Office de la Propriété Intellectuelle
Tel: +352 247-84113, Fax: +352 247-94113


National patent register:
Ministère de l’Economie:
Office de la Propriété Intellectuelle:
Institut de la Propriété Intellectuelle Luxembourg (IPIL):
Guide administratif de l’Etat luxembourgeois: