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Online filing at the Luxembourg Intellectual Property Office with eFiling

The Luxembourg Intellectual Property Office (hereafter LU OPI) offers online services that allow you to create and to file patents or Supplementary Patent Certificates (SPC) electronically, as well as to create and send other patent-related or SPC-related documents electronically to the LU OPI.

The online services offered by the LU OPI use a modern secured web-based application called "eFiling". This platform is based on an application designed by the EPO (called “Front Office”) and customized by the LU Office.

In this context, the LU OPI offers you the following online filing services:

  • the filing of a Luxembourg patent application;
  • the filing of documents produced after the filing of a Luxembourg patent application or the grant of a Luxembourg patent.
  • the filing of a Luxembourg SPC;
  • the filing of documents produced after the filing of a Luxembourg SPC.

How to access eFiling offered by the LU OPI

You can login to eFiling with a valid Smartcard or via username/password with a “two factor authentication” (2FA) method using Microsoft or Google authenticator.
Please note that, due to decommissioning of the Smartcard (no more renewal available), you should use the 2FA authentication after the expiration of your valid Smartcard.

Read more about:

  • registering at the LU OPI to use eFiling: click on the “Register” link, fill and submit the information form and the access will be activated after validation by the LU OPI.

After registering at the LU OPI, we would be grateful if you could respect the following steps:

  • Send an e-mail to to confirm your registration at the LU OPI to use eFiling;
  • LU OPI will then confirm the activation of your access in order to be able to submit your applications. If you are an agent, LU OPI will also send you your "Agent ID" which can be used in the eFiling interface (it is the same as for eOLF).

Please also note the following points regarding teamwork with eFiling:

  • Each user is created with an “individual account” of which he is, of course, Administrator;
  • For users to share submissions, there is the possibility to create “organisations”. The person who creates the organisation is the administrator and can invite other users to it via their email address (considering that they already have an “individual account” defined in eFiling). As the administrator of the organisation, you can then assign rights to the invited users in relation to the existing workflow in eFiling (including defining another user as Administrator).

Do you still have questions?

  • If you encounter any problems submitting applications or have questions about the eFiling, you can contact the LU OPI Helpdesk (
  • “Functional training” on “Front Office” is available here on the website of the EPO (forms and available functionalities could be different in eFiling because of the national customization).